@article{9681282, author = {Possieri, Corrado and Frasca, Mattia and Rizzo, Alessandro}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title = {Reachability analysis in stochastic directed graphs by reinforcement learning}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.1109/TAC.2022.3143080} }
@article{9705637, author = {Possieri, Corrado and Sassano, Mario}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems}, title = {Q-Learning for Continuous-Time Linear Systems: A Data-Driven Implementation of the {K}leinman Algorithm}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.1109/TSMC.2022.3145693} }
@article{MENINI2021109741, title = {Design of high-gain observers based on sampled measurements via the interval arithmetic}, journal = {Automatica}, volume = {131}, pages = {109741}, year = {2021}, issn = {0005-1098}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109741}, author = {Laura Menini and Corrado Possieri and Antonio Tornambe} }
@article{9697330, author = {Possieri, Corrado and Sassano, Mario}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems}, title = {Data-Driven Policy Iteration for Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3142501} }
@article{9440718, author = {Menini, Laura and Possieri, Corrado and Tornambe, Antonio}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title = {On the Use of the Time-Integrals of the Output in Observer Design for Nonlinear Autonomous Systems}, year = {2022}, volume = {67}, number = {1}, pages = {336-343}, doi = {10.1109/TAC.2021.3083551} }
@inproceedings{DDP2023, author = {Emanuele {De Angelis} and Guglielmo De Angelis and Maurizio Proietti}, title = {A Classification Study on Testing and Verification of AI-based Systems}, booktitle = {Proc. of the International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest)}, pages = {1--8}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1109/AITEST58265.2023.00010} }
@inproceedings{Savoia2023-1, author = {Cosimo Savoia and Roberta Pastorino and Angelo Maria Pezzullo and Stefania Boccia}, title = {Parameters in mathematical modelling of indoor spread of COVID-19: a scoping review}, number = {A392}, booktitle = {in Proc. of the 17th World Congress on Public Health (Abstract with Poster Display)}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.18332/popmed/163784} }
@inproceedings{Savoia2023-2, author = {Cosimo Savoia and Angelo Maria Pezzullo and Roberta Pastorino and Stefania Boccia}, title = {Modelli matematici volti a ostacolare la tramissione delle infezioni in ambienti indoor: Lezioni dal COVID-19}, number = {A90934}, booktitle = {in Proc. of the 56th National Congress of the Societ\`a Italiana di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanit\`a Pubblica (SItI) (Abstract with Poster Display)}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{Savoia2023-3, author = {Cosimo Savoia and Angelo Maria Pezzullo and Sara Farina and Diego Maria Tona and Matteo Di Pumpo and Martina Porcelli and Stefania Boccia}, title = {Individual-level exposures and risk of COVID-19: an umbrella review}, number = {A392}, booktitle = {in Proc. of the European Conference of Public Health (Abstract with Poster Display)}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.897} }
@inproceedings{possieri23, author = {Corrado Possieri}, title = {Value iteration via output feedback for LQ optimal control of SISO systems}, booktitle = {Proc. Proc. of the International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC)}, year = {2023} }
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