D1.1: Artificial Intelligent system key specifications
Editors: Federico Oliva and Corrado Possieri, WP1, Jul. 2022.
D1.2: Epidemic modeling and optimisation parameters
Editors: Federico Oliva and Corrado Possieri, WP1, Dec. 2022.
D2.1: Systematic review of evidence on the transmission index of SARS-CoV-2
Editors: Roberta Pastorino, WP2, Jul. 2022.
D2.2: Transmission index of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental and urban settings
Editors: Cosimo Savoia, WP2, Nov. 2022.
D3.1: Report on simulation environments with assessment of their adequacy to represent the spread of an epidemic
Editors:Deborah Hugon, WP3, May 2022.
D3.2: Virtual environment to determine the spread of SARS-CoV-2 given the topology of an urban area and the behavioural logic for the individuals
Editors: Deborah Hugon, WP3, Dec. 2022.
D3.3: Report of the simulator validation
Editors: Eduardo De Los Santos, WP3, Nov. 2023.
D4.1: Review on different techniques of explainable AI and reinforcement learning
Editors:Alessia Paglialonga and Maurizio Mongelli, WP4, Jul 2022.
D4.2: Modeling of crowd behavioral logics in critical infrastructure
Editors: Corrado Possieri and Federico Oliva, WP4, Dec. 2022.
D4.3: Software Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Tabular Methods for Behavioral Policy Design
Editors: Federico Oliva and Corrado Possieri, WP4, Nov. 2023.
D5.1: Testing and Formal Verification of Software with Learning-Enabled Components
Editors: Emanuele De Angelis, WP5, Jul. 2022.
D5.2: Testing and Formal Verification of Rule-based Decision Support Systems
Editors: Emanuele De Angelis, WP5, Dec. 2022.
D5.3: A CLP-based tool for analyzing rule-based XAI models
Editors: Emanuele De Angelis, WP5, Nov. 2023.
D6.1: OPENNESS dissemination and diffusion plan
Editors: Corrado Possieri, WP6, Jul. 2022.
D6.2: Project's Dissemination Artefacts
Editors: Maurizio Proietti, WP6, Jun. 2022.
D6.3: Project's Dissemination Activities
Editors: Maurizio Proietti, WP6, Nov. 2023.
D7.1: Project's Meetings Reports -- First Period
Editors: Guglielmo De Angelis, WP7, Jun. 2022.
D7.1: Project's Meetings Reports -- Second Period
Editors: Guglielmo De Angelis, WP7, Nov. 2023.
D7.2: Ethical Recommendations - A few remarks on the activities in OPENNESS
Editors: Guglielmo De Angelis, WP7, Nov. 2023.
Reachability analysis in stochastic directed graphs by reinforcement learning.
Corrado Possieri, Mattia Frasca, and Alessandro Rizzo. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022.
Q-learning for continuous-time linear systems: A data-driven implementation of the Kleinman algorithm.
Corrado Possieri and Mario Sassano. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022.
Data-driven policy iteration for nonlinear optimal control problems.
Corrado Possieri and Mario Sassano. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022.
On the use of the time-integrals of the output in observer design for nonlinear autonomous systems.
Laura Menini, Corrado Possieri, and Antonio Tornambe. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(1):336--343, 2022.
Design of high-gain observers based on sampled measurements via the interval arithmetic.
Laura Menini, Corrado Possieri, and Antonio Tornambe. Automatica, 131:109741, 2021.
A classification study on testing and verification of AI-based systems.
Emanuele De Angelis, Guglielmo De Angelis, and Maurizio Proietti. Proc. of the International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest), pages 1--8. IEEE, 2023.
Parameters in mathematical modelling of indoor spread of covid-19: a scoping review.
Cosimo Savoia, Roberta Pastorino, Angelo Maria Pezzullo, and Stefania Boccia. Abstract in Proc. of the 17th World Congress on Public Health, number A392, 2023
Modelli matematici volti a ostacolare la tramissione delle infezioni in ambienti indoor: Lezioni dal covid-19.
Cosimo Savoia, Angelo Maria Pezzullo, Roberta Pastorino, and Stefania Boccia. Abstract in Proc. of the 56th National Congress of the Società Italiana di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica (SItI), number A90934, 2023.
Individual-level exposures and risk of COVID-19: an umbrella review.
Cosimo Savoia, Angelo Maria Pezzullo, Sara Farina, Diego Maria Tona, Matteo Di Pumpo, Martina Porcelli, and Stefania Boccia. Abstract in of the European Conference of Public Health, number A392, 2023.
Value iteration via output feedback for LQ optimal control of SISO systems.
Corrado Possieri. In Proc. of the International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC) 2023.